Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Rendezvous to Romp!

Last Thursday, some of the Chatham girls plus offspring ended up meeting at a local playground in Rehoboth. It was only for an hour or so...just enough time for the kids to expend some energy ahead of the dinner hour. Maeve is slowly, but surely learning to navigate her way around these types of environments and she does a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

Maddie Glynn was quick to come to her assistance for her first ride down a slide:

And here are a few shots of Maeve with some of her friends, or peeps as we like to call them (from left to right), Meghan Reed, Madeline Glynn, Caroline Reed and Joseph Reed. We were sorry to be missing Connor Glynn that day. The group had decided to unearth a boulder for Maeve and so they all pitched in, in a concerted effort to dig it out (to no avail I might add):

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