Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Nap in the Hat

About 9 months ago, our friends the Santalucias showered us with baby gifts which included a rockin' pair of sun glasses and an ultra cute sun hat. For the last 9 months, Maeve has wanted nothing to do with them, especially the hat. But her girlish tendencies are beginning to surface as she enters (willingly, I might add) the world of accessorizing. She has taken this new talent to such extremes that recently, while I attempted to put her down for a nap and (foolishly) remove her hat to make her more comfortable, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Rather than duke it out with the little diva, I promptly fit the hat snuggly over her noggin and shut her door behind me. The result? Utter tranquility.

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