Sunday, October 5, 2008

He's a (not so) Regular Guy

So with less than 48 hours to go before my scheduled induction at Sturdy on Monday at 8 AM, I was so relieved to get a call from my Auntie Ann to invite us over for a visit with them in Somerset where they were hosting Fr. Mike O'Grady, cousin to my maternal grandfather and one of my most favorite people on the planet to say the least. Just being able to get out of the house was terrific but to have the Ariagnos and Fr. Mike to hang out with, if only for a couple of hours, was a true treat for us. Of course, it took Maeve the better part of the visit to warm-up to Fr. Mike which I felt awful about because I wanted her to just enjoy him from start to finish but she did make a couple of observations which were revealed to me when I took her into the bathroom to do tinkles. As Maeve sat on her "throne," Maeve declared the following: "Momma, Fr. Mike is a pa-reest (priest), but he's also just a regular guy." Immediately, I knew exactly where Maeve was coming from, because ever since I've known Fr. Mike from my early childhood years, I've enjoyed him not only for his holy persona but also for his down-to-earth, family connections and often, when I'm able to visit with him, I find I can appreciate him on so many levels because he's such an easy person to be around. Despite Maeve playing the shy game with Fr. Mike most of last night, I think she picked up the same qualities that make Fr. Mike so special to me. Like mother, like daughter. It was so important to me to be able to squeeze in a visit with Fr. Mike before my blessed event tomorrow at 8 AM! Here's a picture taken very lovingly by my cousin Meg just before we left last night. Thank you again to the Ariagnos for including us in their evening. It meant more to me than they will ever know.

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Dude - where is Mikey!!! Awaiting photos...impatiently.