Friday, October 10, 2008

Michael Brennan McNamara

After 13 hours of what turned out to be a much more grueling labor and delivery than Maeve's 22-hour show-stopper, Michael Brennan McNamara has finally graced us with his presence! Weighing in at 7 lbs., 13 oz and measuring a decent 21 inches long, he is nothing short of everything we ever hoped for and is thriving as I post this blog. He is masterful at both sleeping and eating (despite the fact that I am currently battling some of the worst nursing discomfort possible). We'll continue to muddle through however and enjoy each moment we possibly can as we adjust to our new, and certainly improved family. Attached are a slew of some of our most favorite pictures from Michael's first few days outside the womb... you think this picture was taken before my epidural or after? Hmmm...

1 comment:

Jodi Shea said...

I have been checking your blog daily for pics of little Michael! I am so thrilled for you and your families! He is absolutely perfect and I think my fav pic so far is the one of Maeve giving him the eye on the bed...I love it! He's truly blessed to be born into such a great family!