Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Own Mary Poppins

When your doorbell rings at 3:30 in the afternoon and you're not expecting anyone AND you're in the middle of breastfeeding your 3-week-old, you think to yourself, as you pull your baby off your nipple and head toward the door, this better be good. And boy was it ever! Standing on our doorstep was Auntie Jen, fresh from a conference in Shrewsbury which was let out early and conveniently located near Route 146. Before Auntie Jen could get both feet in the door, I passed MIchael off to her and then Maeve began her attack: "Auntie Jen, do you want to see my tricycle? Auntie Jen, do you want to see my big-girl bed?" I am convinced an angel delivered Auntie Jen to our doorstep yesterday just to give me a break. I was able to prepare dinner IN ADVANCE and pick up around the house. I even debated taking a shower - something seldom done by the mother of a toddler and a 3-week-old. We had a great dinner, then Auntie Jen took Maeve for a ride on the new trike around the block which left Chris and I to sit quietly and actually chat with one another. Go figure. Just a spoon full of Auntie Jen helps the medicine go down.

I never took that shower by the way...

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