Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Nerve...

So, Maeve and I made one last supermarket trip this morning before things give way at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. Usually we travel 10-15 minutes from the house to hit Stop & Shop in Attleboro where we employ our re-usable shopping bags and the handy "scan as you shop" option, which Maeve enjoys because I give her the all-important job of holding the scanning "gun" while I hold the item to be purchased so she can scan it for me. Today, however, I decided not to venture too far from the house in the (un)fortunate event that my water decided to break in aisle 7. So our destination (after picking up some chocolate munchkins for the munchkin) was Stop & Shop in Pawtucket. Upon entering the store, I wasn't noticing the self-scan kiosk that one usually sees at the doors so I asked a sales associate who was standing nearby if they offered the scan as you shop option. Much to our dismay we learned that they did not have that option available at their store. I thanked the woman and headed with Maeve over to produce to begin filling our order. On our way there, Maeve asked me, "Momma, what did that lady say to you?" I responded, "Oh, she told us that they don't have the scanner with the yellow button for you to press to help Momma out." Maeve's response? "That was so rude, Momma."

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