Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cafe Au Lait?

My knowledge of the French language is atrocious so my apologies if the title of this blog is misspelled, incorrectly capitalized, etc. Anyhow, there have been a handful of Sundays over the last few months that Chris and Maeve and I have gone to Sunday mass and then headed over to Jaec's, a local coffee spot in Attleboro center (very close to the hospital where Maeve was born and the MBTA) to indulge in a little coffee and pastry. Last Sunday, I decided to bring our camera to capture Maeve enjoying herself. Of course, you could stick Maeve smack dab in the middle of a school of blood-hungry sharks and throw a blueberry muffin in front of her and voila! A good time would be had by Maeve. There was a very interesting character sitting sort of behind Maeve over by the couch and chair (you might be able to spot him in one of these pics) who made our stay at the cafe much more interesting. He spent most of his time on his cell phone (I'm not sure there was anyone on the other end of the line listening to him) and he found it very difficult to sit still as he spoke of the movies being nominated for Best Picture at this year's Oscars, but once I pulled out my digital camera, boy did he get bent out of shape! He practically folded himself in half so as not to be captured in any of my footage and I swear I wasn't trying to fit him into the frame, but alas, there he is. So he will now forever be etched into our memories as: The Academy Awards Enthusiast Jacked Up On Joe.

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