Saturday, February 3, 2007

Please Don't Stroke the Brie...

OK, so the title of this post is sort of an inside joke so anyone who wasn't at Joanna and Dave's tonight won't be able to appreciate it. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist...

Tonight was a big night out for the McNamaras as we headed out to the home of our good friends, Joanna and Dave and their son, Patrick in Providence. We had a yummy chicken parm dinner, piping hot, and chased it with some (un)necessary cheesecake. Of course, Joanna and Dave being majorly on top of things, despite the fact that little Patrick had just undergone surgery as Hasbro Childrens Hospital on Wednesday, handed Maeve a Christmas gift, her first piggy bank. Here are some shots of the unveiling:

And then we have Patrick acquainting Maeve with his Thomas the Train gigantic, mega, larger than life train set:

And of course, I had to get one last picture of the two of them BEFORE the potentially messy spaghetti dinner...

This last short movie is Patrick and his Daddy doing the "pretend" tickle versus the "real" tickle routine. Due to my inadequate filming skills, I've only captured for you the "real" tickle part, but it is, in my opinion, the most important. For what is more infectious than the raw, innocuous laughter of a child as cute as Patrick spending time with his Dad? See for yourself...

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