Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hasty Hair

I love doing hair. Pony tails, pig tails, doo-dads (Moore girls know what these are), piggy-back pony tails, french braids, inverted french braids, side braids, etc. You name it, I like to do it which is probably why I had really scary, narly, way-longer-than-it-needed-to-be hair for far too long. So of course, one of the first musings I had when I realized that my first baby was a girl was, Yipee! Hair accessory aisle at CVS, here we come!!! Sadly, I would liken Maeve's hair growth to watching grass grow, despite people telling me that it looks longer each time they see her:

And then, I remembered a Halloween prop we had laying around to perhaps satisfy my fantasy of long, thick tresses for my little girl, if only for a moment:

Ultimately I realized, with the aid of my husband's disturbed reaction to the above picture, that for now, Mother Nature will be Maeve's rightful stylist until further notice. Sigh...

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