Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daily work-out...

Here is Maeve enjoying one of her favorite pastimes...the jolly jumper. What is amusing to both Chris and I as we recall our own experiences in a jolly jumper is that it seemed to be a more elaborate system of harnesses and straps coming from evey direction possible (sans food tray; why the food tray I ask?), however the end result still appears to be the same: it affords you a break by allowing you to put your kid down for a few minutes (so you can wash some dishes, fold some laundry, dry your hair, etc.) and hopefully, your kid will have a good time while waiting for you to return with your undivided attention! We actually have a TON of jumper footage, most of it during some of her first attempts with the jumper, but this one I like because she seems to be entertaining herself fairly well, including some nice singing!

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