Friday, January 5, 2007

She's on the move people...

Well, it's official, Maeve is now crawling and here's the video to prove it. She actually had her first successful crawl on
January 2, 2007 but this is the first video to document her amazing feat! I've found that she switches between crawling and cruising (all you parents out there may know what I'm referring to) so it's nice to know she realizes she has options. Chris and I immediately began baby proofing the house, starting with the outlet covers and padding all the nasty corners. We'll have to run out and get the safety locks for the cabinets and a gate to prevent her from heading downstairs whenever she feels like it, but I'd say we're off to a good start and so is Maeve! Enjoy...

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Maeve - tell your parents to ditch the green sack and put you in a track suit. You got places to go girl!