Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Day With The Ladinos

So yesterday, Wednesday, Maeve and I hopped on 95 and took a ride up to Dedham to visit with my cousin Colleen, her son, Brian and Colleen's belly.....she's due in a week! We had a nice time - stuffed ourselves at lunch time (ironically, I was acting like I was eating for two), and both Maeve and Brian got some quality time hanging out together on the living room floor. Poor Colleen threatened me with with bodily harm for even considering taking a picture of her in her gorgeous pregnant state and so I thought better of it. In retrospect, had the roles been reversed, I might have given her the same ultimatum, so who can blame her?! We can't wait to meet the newest little Ladino (they've been told it's a girl...) and look forward to our next visit! A note: Maeve and Brian couldn't have cared less that I was taking a video of them...

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Ahhh - I wanted a belly shot!

Gosh, Brian looks just like his mom (or how I remember her).

Bridge - you are getting good at this blogging thing. You are setting a standard I can't meet!