Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Day With Grampa Moore

Today Maeve and I headed to Hanson to spend the day with Grampa. Of course, Maeve and her Grampa ran through the typical routines of dancing in the living room and exploring the house for the switches and knobs on every wall and door but the day also included some more spontaneous moments like an impromptu concert for Grampa by Maeve on her new piano...

This one, I think speaks for itself...

And then, Maeve and Grampa headed into the kitchen where Maeve discovered the savory but complex taste of Basil...A girl after my own Food-Network heart!

I can't say with certainty who enjoyed the visit to Hanson more. Maeve or Grampa Moore? But I do know it was a special one, as they all are and we look forward to more and more of them!

End note: And while Maeve and Grampa Moore were "bonding" Maeve's mom took off and got a great manicure!

1 comment:

Teresita said...

So I saw the first picture and at first thought "Woh - Maeve's got a mohawk!" And then, my second thought..."I want a girl so I can give her a cool mohawk!". I swear. That should definitely disqualify me from having girls, right?