Sunday, January 21, 2007

A "Mini" Chatham Birthday Celebration

We'll after our original plans to have dinner with our good friends, the Darrah-Powers in Providence fell through (we did reschedule with them, so they haven't escaped an appearance on our blog), we were left wondering how we would fill our Saturday evening, until....we receivced an invitation from Robin Reed (former Chatham Chickadee) to join her and her family and Becky Glynn (another Chickadee) and her family, to celebrate Becky's 33rd Birthday. How could we say no? Any excuse to see any assortment of Chatham girls is right up my alley! FYI: any of you reading this that have no idea what I'm talking about, Chatham House is the townhouse at Stonehill that the 12 most sexy ladies on campus occupied from 1994 to 1996! I digress... Here is a shot of the Glynn Family as they enjoyed appetizers:

Here are a couple of shots of quiet time spent by Maeve and the Birthday Girl...

We enjoyed a yummy lasagna dinner prepared by Robin, aka, Super Mom and then the evening took an interesting turn...

Meghan Reed, Robin & Dave's middle child, invited the adults to join their band which was rehearsing in the playroom downstairs. We were all given assignments: Chris was lead guitarist, Dave Glynn on percussion, Maeve on the xylophone, Caroline Reed on the maracas, Meghan Reed lead vocalist and Bridget...super fan (sorry there are no pictures of the super fan). Many of the band members were adorned with costumes to set them apart from the rest of the crowd. For example, Chris, the lead guitarist wore a pink sash and mouse ears...or were they cat ears? And now presenting, the band otherwise known as, The Kisses:

A quick shot of the kids for posterity before it was back upstairs to satifys our sweet teeth!

Here is the birthday girl preparing to blow out her candles. Little did she know, that Caroline (in the Patriots cheerleader uniform) was plotting to steal Becky's cake frosting right off of her plate when she wasn't looking and she did!

Finally, a shot of the Chatham ladies, a moment to treasure with many more to look forward to in the future!

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