Sunday, January 14, 2007

Shiver me timbers!

So yesterday, The McNamaras "voyaged" over to our friends, The Lyons (Ted and Sara - formerly Sutherland, old, old friends of ours), to celebrate with them in the 4th Birthday of their oldest son, Collin. It was a pirate-themed party complete with treasure chests and a plank to walk. Unfortunately, the birthday boy didn't sit still long enough for me to get a shot of him as he and his "mates" hijacked the entire house, but it seems as though fun was had by all. Can anyone guess who the pirates might be?

The younger shipmates, including Maeve and her new buddy Ryan Anglin spent some quality time together...

...while Maeve's mother attempted to discuss the potential of an arranged marriage with Ryan's parents (just kidding)! I was able to steal a couple of shots, though including one of Maeve with Ryan's dad, Matt in which I believe she might be trying to win him over and ask for his blessing! Enjoy!

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