Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Dose of Dedham

Do these two look suspicious or what?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Go West Young Maeve

On March 25th, the McNamaras took a much needed break, packed up the car, and headed out for an overnighter to see Auntie Jen in Western Massachusetts. We packed up the car, the kids (Maeve and Jake that is) and made a drop off in Providence so Jake could spend some "quality time" with his original set of parents, Nana and Gramp McNamara for an overnighter of his own. Then it was back in the car for a short two-hour ride West.

We arrived in Northampton, MA promptly at noon...

...and met up with Jen at Hayfields' (formerly Vermont Country Deli for all you Northampton-ers). Maeve ate a great lunch (1/2 a grilled cheese accompanied by some chicken and black bean soup). You can see Maeve enjoying not only her lunch but the atmosphere, the people coming up the stairs with their lunches, and the sound of her sippy cup banging away on the lunch table:

After lunch we decided to trade in the baby back pack for the stroller (following a quick diaper change):

...and then it was off to do some shopping - Chris took off for a couple of music stores and galleries and Jen, Maeve and I headed off to the mall-like establishment known as Thornes where I was on a mission to re-stock on some Weleda baby soap that Maeve uses at bathtime. The weather was absolutely beautiful while we shopped and then around late afternoon it began to cloud over a bit. We made the decision to dine at the Northampton Brewery (we had conveniently parked right behind it) where Maeve proceeded to pitch one of her many fits. Getting her to eat what you put in front of her is sort of like Russian Roulette. She'll eat a couple of things, then hurl a couple of things to the floor, then it's back to eating a couple and then hurling a couple. You get the idea...

Although we mostly kept the day free of any agenda, Chris and I did make it a point to keep one very important "appointment." About three years ago (yikes), Jen purchased for us, a half-hour hot tub submersion at East Heaven (, where we have visited before. Our first trip there was a well-deserved one after a day of skiing. This time around I suppose you could say that Maeve put us to the test mentally and so, yes, I feel like we (sort of) earned the right to unwind for a half hour in 107 degree water. So, following dinner, we stepped outside so Chris could brief Jen on getting in and out of our car, if necessary, while we made ourselves utterly unavailable for a full hour. Yipee!!! While Chris and Jen ran down the list of "tips" Maeve (as usual) made sure the stroller was in tip-top condition for their outing alone together:

As we walked over to East Heaven, it began to rain and as Chris and I submerged ourselves, the rain picked up. But we couldn't have cared less about what was falling from the sky as we indulged in a little R&R in our roof-top hot tub:

Chris and I rendezvoused with Jen and Maeve around 8 PM and we jumped back in our cars to head for home, Jen's place in Williamsburg, MA, which is only about 15-20 minutes west of Northampton. There, we kicked back on the couch for some leisurely reading, a phone call from Nana Moore, and a warm bottle...

Then it was lights out...for one of the most grueling nights of the past year with Maeve...EVER. Chris and I don't believe it had anything to do with her sleeping in a different environment and as a matter of fact, Jen was so accomodating, it was as if we were back at home in terms of comfort. I must have jumped up to respond to Maeve's complaints 8 or 9 times that night and as a result, never truly entered a deep sleep. In all, I'm guessing Chris and I got about 6 hours of sleep between us, thanks to Maeve, but as the sun rose, we shook it off and decided we weren't going to let it get the better of us. As soon as Jen put the coffee on, all was right with the world again...

Following our shot of Joe, we ventured to Hadley where Jen exposed us to one of Hadley's finest (in my opinion) eateries, the Esselon Cafe. It was breakfast burritos for all the adults and a scrambled egg for Maeve - her first. Much to my disappointment however, once the food arrived, it was time for Maeve to pitch her customary fit which led to Chris and I taking shifts outside with her in the rock garden. Unfortunate that it was not a relaxing meal, but it was still a yummy meal, nonetheless and Auntie Jen carried herself with style and grace admidst the chaos devised by her niece. Here are a couple of images before things began to unravel...

After brunch, it was time to bid farewell to Auntie Jen and Western MA as we reluctantly got back in the car for our ride home. Chris and I did resolve to make the hot tub indulgence an annual tradition, sans any rug-rats, which means we'll have to creatively bribe poor Auntie Jen this time next year. Here's to good family, good food and gigantic vessels of hot water!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Birthday Deluge

Although Maeve officially celebrated her birthday on March 17th, it appears she has many well-wishers who desire to tip their hats. Pat LaCroix, our lovely day care provider to whom we entrust our bundle of love two days a week, sent Maeve home last Friday with a new walker. I couldn't get her home fast enough from day care so that she could enjoy the walker all over the kitchen floor. She did encounter moments of discontentment however, when she walked into large pieces of furniture and appliances which impeded her progress (i.e. the refrigerator, the kitchen table, the cabinets). Having not figured out how to turn around with the walker to continue onward, she simply got in front of it and pushed it from the opposite end. Ingenious, I like to think:

Today (3/21/07) arrived her new car seat to go in Dad's pick-up truck. Given her latest obsession with chairs of any kind, Maeve proceeded to size up the new car seat and inspect every nook and cranny of it. I believe she may have a very fruitful career working for Consumer Reports:

Lastly, Maeve was the recipient of some new apparel, certainly one-of-a-kind, from some very special and somewhat unlikely admirers. To begin, she received her first ever Grateful Dead tie-dyed one-sie from Pat Malloy, a close friend and colleague of her Dad's. Chris and I couldn't resist trying it on her and made the hasty decision to throw it on top of what she was already wearing. She didn't seem to mind a bit and we realized very quickly that she looks good in just about any color. The other delivery for Maeve was discovered by me in our mailbox this evening. It was a package from Holy Cross. And the sender? The roommate of Maeve's Aunt Katie Moore, Sam Morr. Inside? A stunning hand-knit poncho in the most irresistible shades of light pink and peach. When I held it up after opening the package, I felt my eyes well up a bit as I realized that Sam has only actually met Maeve once, but has taken such an interest and a delight in watching her grow (via the blog) and through shared stories from Katie. I have already told Maeve that she will be wearing the poncho tomorrow - no matter what is fallign from the sky, and that as soon as the warm weather arrives, we will give way to the good vibrations of Uncle John's Band and the trippy one-sie...

And in this corner...

Well today Maeve endured her one-year check-up with Dr. Douglas. Here are her current stats:

Height: 29.25"
Weight: 21 lbs. 10.6 oz

She holds steady in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. I pumped Dr. Douglas for all sorts of information including any tips on how to transition from formula to milk, whether nuts and food products with nuts are still out of the question (to which she said "yes") and whether it is best to just not acknowledge Maeve when she is throwing one of new fits of rage complete with screaming and flatening herself out like a pancake on whatever floor she is currently standing/sitting on. I left the doctor's appointment feeling pretty good, with some reassurance that I can handle whatever it is Maeve is going to dish out. We'll see how long that feeling of assertivenss actually lasts. Today's trip to see the doctor was also Maeve's first trip sitting in her car seat in the forward-facing position. A whole new experience for her and me and a whole lot more enjoyable, I must say. Boy is it fun looking in the rear-view mirror at that love muffin.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

And Just Like That...She's 1

And so arrives Maeve's birthday, her first birthday and the completion of her first year of life on this good, green earth. I decided it would be a nice thing for Maeve to enjoy "breakfast" in bed with her Dad...

Then it was time to jump into PARTY MODE with out St. Patrick's Day celebration and a nod to Maeve's Big Day. The list of attendees included: Auntie Meg, Nana & Grampa Moore, Great Nana and Great Gramp McNamara, Nana & Gramp McNamara, Auntie Lee and Scott, Aunt Katie Mac and Olase, Auntie Erin, Great Uncle Brian and Uncle Brian. Here are some photos of partygoers for posterity;

There were others that wanted desperately to be with us but couldn't - you know who you are and you were missed.

The Irish Coffees were on and ping-pong matches ensued.

Auntie Lee creatively crafted some yummy treats for the birthday girl's party...

And here I am with Auntie Lee (I swear it's us):

Just prior to the ceremonial presentation of the first cupcake to Maeve, we all gathered (or should I say crammed?) into the living room for the singing of "McNamara's Band" (it had to be done folks), followed by "Mick McGilligan's Ball," of which I have a sampling of for you:

And finally, here she is in all her Irish glory playing with her new toys, and yes...stuffing her face:

We love you more and more each day little Maeve. You are our shining star and have brought us more joy than we ever dreamt was possible. You astound us with your warmth and your smile, your humor and your beauty. We have never been so lucky and so proud as we have been this past year with you. You are our greatest achievement, our greatest triumph. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Arduous Daily Activities of a (soon to be) One-Year-Old

After Maeve awakens for the day and has her shot of Milk (formula) and whole wheat pancake with a side of grapes (or something very similar to that), we retire to the green shag carpet in the living room where we rediscover her many books, stuffed animals and music-making gadgets that have somehow accumulated in there. Jake, our most stoical family member, tries to get a safe distance away from the action, but still tries to be a part of things. Sometimes, Maeve is able to sneak attack him if she catches him off guard. It is those times where I realize we really do have a great dog as I watch him simply sit (or lie) there and tolerate all of her poking and prodding. Earlier this morning as I was scrubbing the kitchen sink, I turned to see Maeve smooching Jake straight on his rear-end, perhaps the most unsavory area on which to shower Jake with affection, but nonetheless it melted my heart a bit and I wished I had captured it on video. Instead, I will entertain you with these couple of snippets...

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Fondness for Four Wheels

This, by far, will be my most cheesy, most obnoxiously cockamamie blog entry to date, but a big chunk (or as my very sagacious colleague and friend, Ginger pointed out, 1/2 of my driving career) of my past is now sitting at Westside Sunoco, plateless and cold, awaiting re-sale (in Lebanon of all places). Yes, the Rav4 is no longer in my possession. I bought the Rav (with my own money, people) brand new, in 1999. It was the only "SUV" in my price range and as I signed the loan paperwork I recall likening it to a rollerskate or high-top sneaker, but nevertheless, it was mine. The Rav and I had some great adventures together (which I won't bore you with) but more importantly, some epoch-making (I think) journeys:

It moved a gargantuan chunk of the belongings of at least one of my sisters to and from Holy Cross...

It took me safely to Providence for my first date with Chris...

It brought my baby home from the hospital...

Last night (3/11/07) at around 7 PM, while Maeve slept in the new car, Chris and I readied the Rav for sale. We removed all of my personal effects (including tanning lotion and goggles circa 2003 - yuck) and dismantled the bike rack from behind the spare tire. When we finished I made Chris (poor, poor Chris) get in the front seat with me. I reminded him he'd never see the Rav again and suggested he say good-bye and perhaps kiss the steering wheel. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would oblige, but I think, after witnessing my difficulty with letting go over the last few weeks, he couldn't say no and with one fell swoop, smooched the wheel like a true spouse, a true companion. Then he looked over at me, probably thinking "are we done here?" but found instead my eyes welling up like a son-of-a-gun which prompted a litany of why the Rav is so special to me and why I'll miss it so. But he quietly listened, affirming all of my feelings and acknowledging all of the Rav's triumphs. It was enough for me to lay my head down last night and I felt that the worst was finally behind me.

But...this morning, poor Ginger had the misfortune of meeting me at Westside Sunoco at 8:15 AM for what she thought was a ride to work, but what ended up being a 2-mile therapy session. I mustered what I could to wave good-bye as we drove away, and Ginger, being the true friend that she is, even offered to beep at the Rav, which I graciously declined. I know what people are thinking as they read this (WEIRDO...) but I really don't care. The Rav will hold a special place in my heart and when I needed people to be there for me as I said my good-byes, they were. May everyone be treated as well by their cars as I was by the Rav...

Boo, hoo...sniffle, sniffle...

To Be Wed in September...

The McNamara celebration continues with the marking of the engagement of daughter number 2, Katie to a very lucky guy, Olase Freeman, whom we've grown to both admire and adore in a short period of time. And so, Mom and Dad Mac pulled together a little get-together in appreciation of love, love that can be found in a growing family and for the deep love shared between two souls. Chris and I gave Maeve a pep talk about not stealing the scene from Katie and Olase on their special day. I'm not sure how effective it was but we still managed to have a rip-roaring time.

Our little friend Maeve's latest obsession, and I mean obsession, is with Nana Mac's wheelchairs. She'll take either one, the old one or the newer one - doesn't matter. She prides herself in inspecting every nook and cranny of Nana's chairs front to back. Basically, I think she's attracted to the fact that they are shiny and on wheels (for her pushing pleasure). The quickest way to unleash the wrath of Maeve these days? Take her away from the chair...

Maeve hijacks Nana's chair...

A cake inscribed for our generation...

Auntie Michelle and Uncle Brian get their baby fix...

The cutting of the cake, if you will...

A little gift-giving...

The couple, doing what they do best, dancing and loving each other...