Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Birthday Deluge

Although Maeve officially celebrated her birthday on March 17th, it appears she has many well-wishers who desire to tip their hats. Pat LaCroix, our lovely day care provider to whom we entrust our bundle of love two days a week, sent Maeve home last Friday with a new walker. I couldn't get her home fast enough from day care so that she could enjoy the walker all over the kitchen floor. She did encounter moments of discontentment however, when she walked into large pieces of furniture and appliances which impeded her progress (i.e. the refrigerator, the kitchen table, the cabinets). Having not figured out how to turn around with the walker to continue onward, she simply got in front of it and pushed it from the opposite end. Ingenious, I like to think:

Today (3/21/07) arrived her new car seat to go in Dad's pick-up truck. Given her latest obsession with chairs of any kind, Maeve proceeded to size up the new car seat and inspect every nook and cranny of it. I believe she may have a very fruitful career working for Consumer Reports:

Lastly, Maeve was the recipient of some new apparel, certainly one-of-a-kind, from some very special and somewhat unlikely admirers. To begin, she received her first ever Grateful Dead tie-dyed one-sie from Pat Malloy, a close friend and colleague of her Dad's. Chris and I couldn't resist trying it on her and made the hasty decision to throw it on top of what she was already wearing. She didn't seem to mind a bit and we realized very quickly that she looks good in just about any color. The other delivery for Maeve was discovered by me in our mailbox this evening. It was a package from Holy Cross. And the sender? The roommate of Maeve's Aunt Katie Moore, Sam Morr. Inside? A stunning hand-knit poncho in the most irresistible shades of light pink and peach. When I held it up after opening the package, I felt my eyes well up a bit as I realized that Sam has only actually met Maeve once, but has taken such an interest and a delight in watching her grow (via the blog) and through shared stories from Katie. I have already told Maeve that she will be wearing the poncho tomorrow - no matter what is fallign from the sky, and that as soon as the warm weather arrives, we will give way to the good vibrations of Uncle John's Band and the trippy one-sie...

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