Monday, March 12, 2007

A Fondness for Four Wheels

This, by far, will be my most cheesy, most obnoxiously cockamamie blog entry to date, but a big chunk (or as my very sagacious colleague and friend, Ginger pointed out, 1/2 of my driving career) of my past is now sitting at Westside Sunoco, plateless and cold, awaiting re-sale (in Lebanon of all places). Yes, the Rav4 is no longer in my possession. I bought the Rav (with my own money, people) brand new, in 1999. It was the only "SUV" in my price range and as I signed the loan paperwork I recall likening it to a rollerskate or high-top sneaker, but nevertheless, it was mine. The Rav and I had some great adventures together (which I won't bore you with) but more importantly, some epoch-making (I think) journeys:

It moved a gargantuan chunk of the belongings of at least one of my sisters to and from Holy Cross...

It took me safely to Providence for my first date with Chris...

It brought my baby home from the hospital...

Last night (3/11/07) at around 7 PM, while Maeve slept in the new car, Chris and I readied the Rav for sale. We removed all of my personal effects (including tanning lotion and goggles circa 2003 - yuck) and dismantled the bike rack from behind the spare tire. When we finished I made Chris (poor, poor Chris) get in the front seat with me. I reminded him he'd never see the Rav again and suggested he say good-bye and perhaps kiss the steering wheel. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would oblige, but I think, after witnessing my difficulty with letting go over the last few weeks, he couldn't say no and with one fell swoop, smooched the wheel like a true spouse, a true companion. Then he looked over at me, probably thinking "are we done here?" but found instead my eyes welling up like a son-of-a-gun which prompted a litany of why the Rav is so special to me and why I'll miss it so. But he quietly listened, affirming all of my feelings and acknowledging all of the Rav's triumphs. It was enough for me to lay my head down last night and I felt that the worst was finally behind me.

But...this morning, poor Ginger had the misfortune of meeting me at Westside Sunoco at 8:15 AM for what she thought was a ride to work, but what ended up being a 2-mile therapy session. I mustered what I could to wave good-bye as we drove away, and Ginger, being the true friend that she is, even offered to beep at the Rav, which I graciously declined. I know what people are thinking as they read this (WEIRDO...) but I really don't care. The Rav will hold a special place in my heart and when I needed people to be there for me as I said my good-byes, they were. May everyone be treated as well by their cars as I was by the Rav...

Boo, hoo...sniffle, sniffle...

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