Sunday, March 18, 2007

And Just Like That...She's 1

And so arrives Maeve's birthday, her first birthday and the completion of her first year of life on this good, green earth. I decided it would be a nice thing for Maeve to enjoy "breakfast" in bed with her Dad...

Then it was time to jump into PARTY MODE with out St. Patrick's Day celebration and a nod to Maeve's Big Day. The list of attendees included: Auntie Meg, Nana & Grampa Moore, Great Nana and Great Gramp McNamara, Nana & Gramp McNamara, Auntie Lee and Scott, Aunt Katie Mac and Olase, Auntie Erin, Great Uncle Brian and Uncle Brian. Here are some photos of partygoers for posterity;

There were others that wanted desperately to be with us but couldn't - you know who you are and you were missed.

The Irish Coffees were on and ping-pong matches ensued.

Auntie Lee creatively crafted some yummy treats for the birthday girl's party...

And here I am with Auntie Lee (I swear it's us):

Just prior to the ceremonial presentation of the first cupcake to Maeve, we all gathered (or should I say crammed?) into the living room for the singing of "McNamara's Band" (it had to be done folks), followed by "Mick McGilligan's Ball," of which I have a sampling of for you:

And finally, here she is in all her Irish glory playing with her new toys, and yes...stuffing her face:

We love you more and more each day little Maeve. You are our shining star and have brought us more joy than we ever dreamt was possible. You astound us with your warmth and your smile, your humor and your beauty. We have never been so lucky and so proud as we have been this past year with you. You are our greatest achievement, our greatest triumph. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Whoa - for a moment there I thought she was going to eat her hand too! Happy Birthday Maeve!

Loved, LOVED, the video of the sing-a-long. Will you come over and teach us that song when we are neighbors?