Monday, March 12, 2007

To Be Wed in September...

The McNamara celebration continues with the marking of the engagement of daughter number 2, Katie to a very lucky guy, Olase Freeman, whom we've grown to both admire and adore in a short period of time. And so, Mom and Dad Mac pulled together a little get-together in appreciation of love, love that can be found in a growing family and for the deep love shared between two souls. Chris and I gave Maeve a pep talk about not stealing the scene from Katie and Olase on their special day. I'm not sure how effective it was but we still managed to have a rip-roaring time.

Our little friend Maeve's latest obsession, and I mean obsession, is with Nana Mac's wheelchairs. She'll take either one, the old one or the newer one - doesn't matter. She prides herself in inspecting every nook and cranny of Nana's chairs front to back. Basically, I think she's attracted to the fact that they are shiny and on wheels (for her pushing pleasure). The quickest way to unleash the wrath of Maeve these days? Take her away from the chair...

Maeve hijacks Nana's chair...

A cake inscribed for our generation...

Auntie Michelle and Uncle Brian get their baby fix...

The cutting of the cake, if you will...

A little gift-giving...

The couple, doing what they do best, dancing and loving each other...

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