Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Invasion

On Thursday (3/1/07), Maeve and myself, The Grabers (minus Steve), the Ladinos (minus Jeff) and Aunt Patty seized the condominium of my Grandmother, Dorothy Rafferty. It was a gorgeous day and even more so for me, a great opportunity to make some memories by taking photos of all of the kids with their Great Grandmother Rafferty and as well as a group shot of all the kids. About two pictures into the photo taking for me, my camera ran out of juice. Here are the only two photos I snapped before that happened:

Laura with Baby Kathleen:

Aunt Patty with little Brian on the stairs:

Here are a couple of photos that my cousin Colleen sent my way from her camera which I will graciously steal from her to beef up my blog entry a little:

Yes, my cousin Laura was there WITH her two children, Josie & TJ, in tow despite the fact that it doesn't look that way on my blog! Laura made a great black bean soup to accompany Nana's potato salad and was had a really nice visit. Hopefully, Nana wasn't too overwhelmed with all of the goings on and will have us back some time soon!

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