Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Arduous Daily Activities of a (soon to be) One-Year-Old

After Maeve awakens for the day and has her shot of Milk (formula) and whole wheat pancake with a side of grapes (or something very similar to that), we retire to the green shag carpet in the living room where we rediscover her many books, stuffed animals and music-making gadgets that have somehow accumulated in there. Jake, our most stoical family member, tries to get a safe distance away from the action, but still tries to be a part of things. Sometimes, Maeve is able to sneak attack him if she catches him off guard. It is those times where I realize we really do have a great dog as I watch him simply sit (or lie) there and tolerate all of her poking and prodding. Earlier this morning as I was scrubbing the kitchen sink, I turned to see Maeve smooching Jake straight on his rear-end, perhaps the most unsavory area on which to shower Jake with affection, but nonetheless it melted my heart a bit and I wished I had captured it on video. Instead, I will entertain you with these couple of snippets...

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