Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And in this corner...

Well today Maeve endured her one-year check-up with Dr. Douglas. Here are her current stats:

Height: 29.25"
Weight: 21 lbs. 10.6 oz

She holds steady in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. I pumped Dr. Douglas for all sorts of information including any tips on how to transition from formula to milk, whether nuts and food products with nuts are still out of the question (to which she said "yes") and whether it is best to just not acknowledge Maeve when she is throwing one of new fits of rage complete with screaming and flatening herself out like a pancake on whatever floor she is currently standing/sitting on. I left the doctor's appointment feeling pretty good, with some reassurance that I can handle whatever it is Maeve is going to dish out. We'll see how long that feeling of assertivenss actually lasts. Today's trip to see the doctor was also Maeve's first trip sitting in her car seat in the forward-facing position. A whole new experience for her and me and a whole lot more enjoyable, I must say. Boy is it fun looking in the rear-view mirror at that love muffin.

1 comment:

Teresita said...

A few months ago we were visiting friends. I looked over and realized Mateo had been chomping on a handful of almonds that were sitting on a bowl on the coffee table.

Since there - we have done nuts of every kind except peanuts. Mateo loves almond butter, a good substitute for peanut butter.