Monday, March 12, 2007

Chatham Welcomes a Wee Bairn

And so comes another Chatham showering. The latest victim? Larissa Flower, my old college roommate. The location? Jersey City, NJ at the dwelling place of Amy & Kevin (to be wed this Memorial Day weekend). It was a grand affair from the pumpkin soup (lovingly prepared by Kevin the night before), to the piping hot lasagna to the Mojitos and Banana Trifle. Amy definitely outdid herself, but how could you not, when preparing to welcome Larissa and Doug's little love morsel into this world? And the beautiful thing about a Chatham shower is that only about 15 minutes of our time together is taken up by gift giving. The rest of the time (very valuable and rare) is spent catching up with one another, chortling, admiring one another's achievements, sharing dreams of the future still to come and nurturing friendships to weather the test of time. Our only disappointment of Saturday (and a rather large one) was the absence of the 8th Chatham member, Jen who was battling a nasty respiratory virus. Most definitely, she was there is spirit and we will soon all be reunited at the wedding of the year! So congratulations to Larissa and Doug and the "Flower" about to bloom...

The guests of honor (one being in utero of course...):

The Honoree with our lovely host, Amy...

The usual supects...

A couple of "lousy" views from Amy and Kevin's apartment...

Our host, engaging her guests...

An outfit for the little Chieftain (yes I said Chieftain!)...

Becky and Jodi having just decided to get pregnant again in the hopes of more Banana Trifle in their future...


Jodi Shea said...

I love it. You are so on top of things!! What a great shower and Meaney we missed you terribly. Congrats Larissa and we can't wait to meet the "petit Fleur".
Amy, thanks for hosting and I love the place.~Jodi

Kevin said...

I'm glad the pumpkin soup went over so well! I'm just bummed I didn't get to see everyone...

That just means y'all have to come back for a visit (and bring the little cute birthday girl, too!!!).

xo - Kevin (& Hydro)